How to Become World Class at Whatever You Choose
Yesterday I listened to a motivational audio program by Darren LaCroix on what it takes to become great at a skill. During the program, the speaker said something that stuck with me. It was this:
“It’s great to visualize where you want to be, but what are you doing TODAY to get there?”
Wow! That statement ties in with something I heard from the author, speaker, and motivator, Jim Rohn. He said that the formula for success is a few simple disciplines practiced every day.
If we combine what Darren LaCroix said with what Jim Rohn said, we might come up with this: Today, practice an activity to make yourself better at something that you want to be great at. Repeat this practice every day and after a while, you will have built a great skill. It may even be world class.

Here’s a picture of part of the Hoover Dam. This picture doesn’t do the dam justice. The Hoover dam is massive beyond belief, and it’s hard to get a sense of how large it is from this photo. However, the reason I’ve put the pic in this post is that it shows the result of daily work toward a goal. How? Well, the Hoover Dam started as an idea, then some folks put together some plans for it, then they worked on it one day at a time, every day until it was complete. The end result was and is something magnificent. It is world-class.
You and I can do the same thing in our lives. We just need to choose what we want, then make plans to get there, then work our plan every day, one day at a time.
Today I’m motivated. Today I’m practicing working on my craft of public speaking. Today I’m working on becoming world-class.
What are you becoming world class at today?